Which Tint Shade Should I Choose?

Before having any vehicle tinted, there’s a great likelihood that you’ll wish to decide on a shade first. With several options to choose from, it may turn out to be a tougher decision than you’ve given credit for. Let’s talk about several things that may influence your decision on selecting a window tint shade. Taking a few minutes to review the information may prove to be quite valuable

Bluemax Window Tinting in Livermore
2017 mustang 5.0 @bluemax window tint
Window tint shades are measured in units of VLT (visible light transmittance). This is the percentage of light that is visible from the outside looking in. For example, a window tint with a 50% VLT would be effectively letting in half the visible light. A window tint shade with a 5% VLT would allow only 5% of visible light to pass through (Most tint experts consider anything 5% VLT or lower to be limousine tint grade). Whenever you hear about a tint darkness percentage, you now know that the higher the percentage, the lighter the film.


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